Rev. Nicholas L. Davis
- The University of Arizona, B.S. Family Studies & Human Development, 2012
- Westminster Seminary California, Master of Divinity, 2019
- The Ridley Institute, Certificate of Anglican Studies, 2022
My prayer for King of Grace Anglican:
“Almighty God, would you build a church that is a refuge for sinners and sufferers. Would all who come here - convinced and skeptical alike - know that your grace, mercy and kindness can really be trusted. Would you build this local parish into a place where those questions, doubts and fears that are brought in be answered with a resounding 'Yes and Amen!' Accomplish your work of assuring us that the good news of what Jesus has accomplished is not just the story that 'gets us in,' but the message that is what the Christian life is about from start to finish. May it be that King of Grace Church is place to sit at Jesus’ feet, feed at his table and rest in his mercy. For his sake we ask it, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.”
The Lord’s Peace,
Rev. Nicholas L. Davis
Hannah Johnson
- Moody Bible Institute, BA in Theology, 2020
Hannah is King of Grace's resident Diaconal Aspirant. Her love for the church has put her in line with the work of the mission of the church. She is our website wrangler, photo-taker, and really just happy to be along for the journey. Her hope is to continue to serve King of Grace to the best of her ability, by help of the Lord Jesus.